Are you being delayed in life from accomplishing important goals, staying happy, feeling fulfilled, or living life at your best due to your current state of feeling tied-up or stuck?
Nearly every one of us has suffered from one or several challenging knots in our lives at one time or another. Toxic knots like: procrastination, poor choices, fear, excuse-making, self-pity, the past, feeling stuck, repeated missed opportunities, denial, clutter, debt, chaos, toxic relationships, trying to be like others, continual pain, anger, mediocrity, or stress. Sometimes it feels like they'll never come undone... that they'll only get tighter and tighter. Sometimes it feels like they'll drive you crazy! And if you do not discover how to identify and boldly Untie the Knots® That Tie Up Your Life, these knots can pose a serious threat to your whole life... your health, relationships, career, money... you fulfilling your life's ultimate purpose. Do not despair—there are answers, solutions, strategies, and a real-life intensive coaching process that can assist you in setting yourself free to create and live the life you desire.
To successfully identify and Untie the Knots® in your life so you can break-free, get unstuck, and/or reclaim peace of mind and happiness, it will take an intensive coaching program and coach, and a proven process that delivers on your desired outcomes. You will need to gain control of your life, health, career, family, finances, and personal relationships to turn your current limiting situation (habits or circumstances) into healthy and successful actions that will put you on the path to continuously achieve your important goals, and ultimately create the outcomes and life you truly want.
Ty Howard's customized to fit your circumstances Untie the Knots® Coaching Program combines personal guidance and intensive instruction that will inspire, push, encourage, empower, s-t-r-e-t-c-h, and challenge you to break-free from what currently has you feeling tied-up and stuck, and move to a place of constant Green & Growing action and positive living.
Here's where you connect and work directly with the Untie the Knots® Principles through intensive - life-changing - coaching sessions with Ty Howard, America's Untie the Knots® Consultant and Coach.
Do you currently feel tied-up and stuck in some area or phase of life? Would life be better for you if you... Removed toxic habits or derailing behaviors? Resolved interpersonal issues undermining your performance? Worked smarter and harder to improve your health and well-being? Improved your career or education level? Improved troubled relationships? Created and accomplished 3 to 7 times more personal goals than you have in the past? Reclaimed your peace of mind and happiness?
Then this is the transformative 1-on-1 personal accountability and coaching relationship approach for you!
Coaching sessions with Coach Ty are conducted Face-to-Face, virtually (Zoom, Webex, MS Teams, Skype), or by telephone across the United States or globally with individuals who speak fluent English.
with Ty. Click here
No canned pitch. No harsh sell. Just good substantive conversation and a new connection.
Call Ty Howard's business office today to inquire about his Untie the Knots® Coaching Program Packages, rates, and availability at (443) 982-7582.
Coach Ty will guide you as you:
• Commit to learn and execute a proven - trademarked - life-changing methodology and process that works
• Identify and begin to Untie the Knots® in your life
• Boldly stand up within to change and grow
• Acknowledge and push through your fears
• Set unstoppable written goals
• Quit marking time—and move forward
• Learn the best defense against toxic people who derail your success and happiness
• Learn smarter ways to inspire and empower yourself to better health
• Enjoy more healthy and rewarding relationships
• Avoid self and outside sabotage, moving forward
• Create a life of significance to live purposefully and leave a 'positive' lasting legacy
Ty Howard's Untie the Knots® Coaching Program is a great fit for people:
- On all career, business, education, athletic, personal success, and life levels
- Looking to set new standards for their life
- Ready to boldly address and remove "stagnating" or "toxic" behaviors impacting their life
- Wanting to map-out a mission and purpose-driven action plan for their life
- Looking to gain better control of and master time management
- Wanting to move from the state of being overwhelmed to living vibrantly
- Looking to make improvements in personal and work relationships
- Wanting to create a more positively vibrant, smile-filled, and happy life
- Looking to improve their image, character, and communication skills
- Wanting to be encouraged and empowered to confront and push through their fears
- Looking to improve their habits, choices, health, family, and finances
- Wanting to go to the next level(s) of success in their careers, education, and business
- Ready and determined to break-free of what's holding you back, and begin doing
what you need to do to move continuously forward
Your time has now come for Untie the Knots® That Tie Up Your Life ACTION!
The Untie the Knots® Coaching Process typically requires a minimum
6-month commitment to make the relationship work.
with Ty. Click here
No canned pitch. No harsh sell. Just good substantive conversation and a new connection.
Call Ty Howard's business office today to inquire about his Untie the Knots® Coaching Program Packages,
rates, and availability at (443) 982-7582.
Location and Frequency
Coaching is conducted in your office or at a location convenient to Ty and you. Zoom, Webex, MS Meetings, Skype, or telephone coaching sessions have been used successfully for clients across the United States and around the globe. Ty will meet frequently enough to keep your goals and priorities 'top of mind' while still having 'active learning' time between sessions for you to work on your goals and developmental assignments. Ty Howard will discuss your needs and a customized personal improvement action plan will be created to fit your unique goals and improvement needs. The winning-edge you gain by having Ty as your high-impact and reliable coach is that your coaching relationship will be completely customized and targeted to your specific needs, from the beginning to end of your coaching program agreement.
Is Coaching Confidential?
Confidentiality is vital to effective coaching and non-negotiable. Having worked in the Office of the Naval Inspector General (a 3 Star Admiral) while serving in the United States Navy and as a human resources generalist and office manager in corporate America, Ty follows and adheres to a strict code of ethics.
In this coaching relationship, Ty Howard will call you, write to you, and even push you if he must, to help you achieve the specific leadership and communication success goals you have agreed upon. The program is ongoing for six, nine, or twelve months. You will be in contact weekly. Or, at least, Ty will! You may start at any time, on a day and date you choose. You will never have to doubt Ty's commitment to you, he brings his full commitment, success strategies, tools, and passion to each client he accepts into his trademark Untie the Knots® Coaching Program (and Process). There are no "breaks" or "freezes" once you get started working together. There are also no refunds of any payments in this engagement, for any reason, unless Ty Howard cancels your participation because he feels you do not want to be helped or you're not 100% committed to your co-created coaching agreement, in which case, he will then provide you with a prorated refund.
You may also call or write Ty Howard at his business office Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM Eastern Time at (443) 982-7582, to ask questions or have a discussion on your participation in his intensive Untie the Knots® That Tie Up Your Life - Coaching Program.
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Medical Disclaimer: The information provided and shared in Ty Howard's coaching programs is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Ty Howard,, and the experts who contribute on his team. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
InspiraGen Institute
6400 Baltimore National Pike, Suite 134
Baltimore, MD 21228
Business Office Phone: 443-982-7582