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   become more efficient, cohesive, and untied.
UTK Training Programs on Time Management and Productivity

National Time Management Motivational Speaker Ty Howard Baltimore Maryland

Ty's Untie the Knots® Training Systems programs teaches professionals - on all levels - to sharpen skills and improve performance. In his twenty plus years as a skilled dynamic and engaging lead professional development trainer, he has competently worked with and trained groups as small as 4 - 19 people, 20 - 400 people, and 500 - 3,000 people. Continue scrolling down the page to learn how the Untie the Knots® Training Systems' professional development training programs can deliver measurable and lasting results to you, your teams and organization.


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Ty's dynamic and energizing training program sessions can go from 40 minutes up to 2 hours long, Half-Day (up to 3 hours), Full-Day (up to 7 hours), and Multiple Days (from 2 to 5 days).



1) Time Management
         (The Art of Getting Things Done to Make Work and Life Fun)

The success and optimal performance within any company is based on the proactive abilities of all employees. The three most common performance sabotaging problems found within many companies today are: Procrastination, Poor Time Management and Non-Productive Work Habits. From the executive leaders down to the front line employees, people are reactive rather than proactive. Rather than acting towards long-term goals, they react to external pressures. Ty Howard will teach participants how to reverse this process. He will teach everyone in your group, The Art of Getting Things Done to Make Work and Life Fun. Through stimulating and interactive participation and analysis of their own habits, participants learn a set of strategies they can apply on a continuous basis. In this timely and high-powered working session, you will identify and begin the process to overcome procrastination and poor time management issues—once and for all. Proven time management, prioritizing, organization and proactive skills will help employees on all levels to determine how much time, energy and resources are needed to get their tasks and projects done—much sooner than later. In turn, putting each employee, team, and your organization on track to meet and exceed its set goals, performance, and strategic plans while getting more things done and making work and life fun!



2) Untie the Knots® of Time Management Woes
         (Freeing Yourself from Toxic Time Management Habits, Choices, Systems, People, and Relationships)

Are you sabotaging you time management efforts?

Managing time effectively is an essential skill for today's professionals. It seems as if Time is always shrinking: organizational change initiatives, up and down priorities realignments, technology overload, reduced staffing situations and a greater emphasis on flawless performance, and more! As the workplace changes as a result of current events, we are all finding ourselves required to accomplish more in less time, with limited, reduced or no resources.

The key to time management is knowing ourselves, as we can't actually "manage" time; all we can manage is our own habits (behavior).

The challenge: The work you do or the way you do it may not always align with your instinctive habits, requiring more effort on your part. This increased effort reduces your productivity, tires you out quickly, and takes more time than necessary to complete your tasks and projects.

The solution: There are 6 Time Management Personality Types, or approaches to handling time, that contribute to how you manage tasks and activities. By identifying and understanding your personal Time Management Type, you can identify the approach to Time Management that can work best for you.



3) Untie the Knots®
       (Efficient Time Management Solutions for Sales Professionals - On All Levels)

How many salespeople (and sales managers) are not realizing their full potential? What stands in the way to greater sales and more commission dollars is not something they do not have but something they do not do consistently and efficiently; time management. Successful sales professionals manage both their “money hours” and "selling time" well while average sellers do not. In the past few years, sales professionals have worked harder and longer than ever before. They have become challenged with the amount of information coming at them, with the changing expectations of their companies, and with the growing sophisticated demands of their customers.

Untie the Knots®: Efficient Time Management Solutions for Sales Professionals is a dynamic, engaging, and eye-opening session that will teach your sales team efficient time management strategies from a new perspective; how to efficiently utilize their time available for higher income producing activities; and how to take maximum advantage of the number of business sales days and face-to-face selling opportunities they create—to begin making more sales and more commission dollars immediately.


For pricing or to arrange an onsite or offsite training session, e-mail info{AT}tyhoward.com or call us directly at 443.982.7582.

We are ready to team up with you—and make your next training day or retreat an AWESOME Memorable Success!


Corporate Trainer and Lead Facilitator on Time Management Training Ty Howard Maryland DC Virginia Baltimore


Watch Videos of Ty Howard Speaking from Baltimore Maryland

Click Here to Learn: How We Work With A Client


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Business Office Phone: (443) 982-7582



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    Email: info@tyhoward.com
    Office: 443-982-7582

    About Ty Howard

    Learn more about Mr. Untie the Knots®.  Click Here

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