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   become more efficient, cohesive, and untied.
UTK Training Programs on Equity, Inclusion, and Sensitivity

National Diversity Inclusion Motivational Speaker Ty Howard Baltimore Maryland

Ty's Untie the Knots® Training Systems programs teaches professionals - at all levels - to sharpen skills and improve performance. In his twenty plus years as a skilled dynamic and engaging lead professional development trainer, he has competently worked with and trained groups as small as 4 - 19 people, 20 - 400 people, and 500 - 3,000 people. Continue scrolling down the page to learn how the Untie the Knots® Training Systems' professional development training programs can deliver measurable and lasting results to you, your teams and organization.


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Ty's dynamic and energizing training program sessions can go from 40 minutes up to 2 hours long, Half-Day (up to 3 hours), Full-Day (4 to 6 hours), and Multiple Days (from 2 to 5 days).


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Ty Howard and InspiraGen Institute provide comfortable and respectful (safe and inclusive) consulting and training services on equity, inclusion, acceptance, belonging, and cultural sensitivity nationwide and globally, in-person and virtual. With a national reputation for excellence, we help organizations create thriving, maximized diverse, inclusive and equitable workplace cultures where everyone feels valued and supported. Our team of experienced consultants and trainers work closely with C-level executives, directors, and managers to identify areas for improvement and design customized, actionable solutions that meet their unique needs. Through our engaging and interactive training sessions, we help individuals and teams develop the skills and knowledge they need to foster a more inclusive, mindful, kind, respectful, and happy culture. Our consulting services provide guidance on policy development, organizational change, and best practices for promoting equity, inclusion, acceptance, belonging, and cultural sensitivity. Contact us today to learn how we can help your organization build a thriving, maximized inclusive and equitable workplace.


Schedule A Call with Ty Howard Equity, Inclusion and Cultural Sensitivity Consultant Motivational Keynote Speaker Professional Development Trainer

with Ty Howard.   Click here


Ty's Training Programs on Equity, Inclusion, and Sensitivity


1) Untie the Knots® of Equity & Inclusion
         (Embracing and Celebrating Equity and Inclusion Inside the Workplace)

Understanding the factors that move organizational equity and inclusion forward—or hold it back—can make the difference between success or failure. In this dynamic training session, Ty Howard shares the enablers and barriers (toxic knots) of organizational equity and inclusion. He encourages and explains to your group the importance of creating a workplace that is aware of and respects the broad spectrum of human equity and inclusion, which is imperative for optimal results. For even the most committed organizations, it is important to lay the groundwork for a successful process by examining areas of need and developing a clear definition of equity and inclusion that the organization can embrace as an achievable goal. Special emphasis is placed on linking equity and inclusion to your organization’s strategic business objectives, its marketplace, and long-term sustained culture change. Participants will walk away with an increase understanding of equity and inclusion, and begin the process for dialogue, working together productively, and ultimately celebrating an equitable and inclusive workplace that is welcoming, harmonious, fair and progressive.

Untie the Knots® of Equity and Inclusion is a great fit for any organization’s Equity and Inclusion Training Program—it’s insightful, substantive, fun, interactive, dynamic and entertaining!



2) Better Understanding Equity and Inclusion
         (Gain a deeper knowledge and context of core Equity and Inclusion concepts)

Better Understanding Equity and Inclusion, delivered by Ty Howard, helps you develop a greater understanding of various aspects of equity and inclusion, and how they impact everyday interactions and overall workplace culture. Get the opportunity to assess your equity and inclusion intelligence and recognize the business imperative for equity and inclusion initiatives in organizations. You will build an understanding of how biases and stereotypes develop, the importance of values to cultural norms, a model for holding difficult conversations, and how overlapping threats such as racism, sexism and inequity can have a multiplicative effect on individuals and groups.

Hire Ty Howard today, so you and your employees can experience this engaging, highly interactive, instructor-led course and learn why overcoming the barriers to equity and inclusion and developing new habits of inclusivity can benefit you, your team and your entire organization.



3) Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace
         (Learn the mindsets, skills, and behaviors to take equity and inclusion deeper than demographics)

Equity and inclusion has been a high-profile issue for years in the business world — but much has changed in how we understand it. That’s why Ty Howard took a fresh look at equity and inclusion training to develop Equity, Inclusion, Acceptance, and Belonging in the Workplace. His Equity and Inclusion training session goes beyond standard "check-the-box" or "see all of the demographics" equity and inclusion training to provide meaningful reflection, self-assessment, and real-world exercises designed to genuinely move teams forward through practical and engaging equity and inclusion awareness, education, empowerment, and successful inspired and unified application at all levels throughout your organization or department.

Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging starts at the core of your business, with your people. Hire Ty Howard today for a custom Equity & Inclusion training and coaching experience that will help your employees thrive through uncertainty, grow through acceptance, find strengths in their differences, unite through the trusted feeling of belonging, and build a more inclusive culture that empowers everyone to reach peak performance through a higher sense of value, respect, and appreciation.



4) Untie the Knots® of Workplace Sensitivity and Inclusion
         (Improving Cultural Sensitivity and Acceptance in the Workplace)

It is important in today's culturally diverse world that we learn how to appropriately interact and respect those around us. Because our beliefs and expectations affect our interactions and conversations with coworkers and clients, it is important to bring them into conscious awareness and take steps to alleviate any negative behavior and influence.

Untie the Knots® of Workplace Sensitivity and Inclusion is designed to enable executives, managers, supervisors and employees on all levels to embrace equity and inclusion in the workplace through understanding and respecting others' differences, as well as increase awareness of their tolerance, sensitivity, and inclusion. Ty Howard - in a safe, skillful and sensible way - uses open and candid discussion to explorer and assess our behavior, personal biases, assumptions, and stereotypes. Upon completion of this dynamic and engaging session, participants will be better equipped to identify and address sensitive situations and conversations, remove gender and generational barriers, unify and manage diverse teams, as well as reduce the potential of discrimination related issues and liabilities within your organization.

Regardless of the format you choose, this training session is divided into three parts, Awareness, Analysis and Action. Also, since sensitivity needs and laws vary from area to area and organization to organization, this session will be tailored (customized) to meet your specific organizational needs.



Schedule A Call with Ty Howard National Equity Inclusion Belonging Practitioner Speaker Coach Consultant

with Ty Howard.   Click here

No canned pitch. No harsh sell. Just good substantive conversation and a new connection.

Establish a coaching and consulting relationship with Ty to successfully transform individuals into maximized equity, inclusion, acceptance, and belonging advocates and champions.



5) The Many Hats & Masks of equity and inclusion

We know people that, we claim, are not diverse or open to the differences of people in our world. How do we react when we come face-to-face with them? And, are we as open as we think? In this unique equity and inclusion training session, "those" people will speak to you and at you ... and challenge you to look at what you really believe.

The Many Hats & Masks of Equity and Inclusion also provides you with practical perspectives, strategies and solutions for increased awareness, understanding, and harmony for work/life cultural relationships and team success.



6) Equity & Inclusion: Why Is Talking About Race So Hard?

What did you say? Oh no you didn't! Have you ever been offended or have you offended someone without knowing why? In this Equity and Inclusion training session, Ty Howard explores with your group the complications associated with interracial communication. He also provides them with practical perspectives, strategies and solutions for increased awareness, understanding, and harmony for work/life cultural relationships and team success.



7) Workplace Sensitivity Training
         (Increasing Racial Sensitivity and Appropriate Behavior in the Workplace)

Recent social and racial justice movements have raised expectations for cultural sensitivity training to be more transparent and honest to create a supportive, safe, and welcoming work culture. While every organization is different, HR and senior leaders recognize the need for effective behavior-based racial sensitivity and appropriate behavior in the workplace training.

Behavior-based equity and inclusion training goes beyond gently raising awareness. It focuses on what it means to think and act mindfully and accountably — whether individuals are interacting in-person, online or on the phone. Behavior-based training should challenge learners with realistic scenarios, pre and post assessments/quizzes, and interactive exercises that explore assumptions, stereotypes, and differences about people and groups. Workplace Sensitivity Training: Increasing Racial Sensitivity and Appropriate Behavior in the Workplace goes beyond race and gender. It encompasses abilities, age, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, veteran status, positive and negative behaviors in the workplace, attitudes, and conflict management. Also, racial sensitivity awareness, insensitivity education, mindfulness, preventing discrimination and harassment, set forth laws, and equity and inclusion of thought and other characteristics.

Your Lead Facilitator, Ty Howard, believes, "We all have different cultural backgrounds and life experiences (our individual story); being sensitive to one another results in harmony, kindness and respect. It's imperative for companies today that are truly looking to succeed and grow in equity and inclusion to make the bold effort to learn how to affirm human dignity and peak performance in the workplace proactively. We might learn something new about ourselves and our own culture in the process."

Workplace Sensitivity Training: Increasing Racial Sensitivity and Appropriate Behavior in the Workplace is an immersive, participatory experience for senior executives, directors, managers, staff, and employees on all levels. This engaging and insightful session is not a shaming, guilt bashing, blaming, or blatant attack on one race or another. Its sole purpose is to increase racial sensitivity and appropriate behavior in your work culture while interacting with everyone in attendance as valuable human beings who deserve to be treated with dignity, kindness and respect, regardless who they are. Participants learn and practice skills they will use and model in their respective environments.



8) One-on-One Sensitivity Training for Executives and Managers

One-on-one Sensitivity Training is an important solution in helping a Key Person for whom other training has not been effective. Perhaps they did not positively improve after online training, or they were reluctant to ask questions that related directly to their own situations, and now are accused of insensitivity, harassment, incivility or discrimination. Ty Howard provides support for your Key Person through an intensive and engaging half-day or full-day training program that is taught one-on-one on-site by him, and includes discussions with management and Human Resources regarding specific allegations and behaviors, the results of your investigation, and your desired outcomes.

Format: One-on-one. This program is updated annually and includes your organization’s policies and procedures, case studies and extensive Q & A. Ty Howard is a seasoned organizational development consultant, executive and leadership development coach, experienced trainer, and skilled facilitator. This program has been successful in reducing hostility or inappropriate behavior in people accused of insensitivity, harassment, incivility and discrimination, increasing their understanding of the legal parameters in which the company must act, and obtaining their full buy-in to the process.

**Investment Fee Quote and Full Description for this training provided upon request.

Length of One-on-One Training: Three hours (half day) ... or ... Five to Six Hours (full day)



9) Untie the Knots® of Unconscious Bias
         (Identifying, Discussing, and Eliminating Unconscious Bias to Set Free and Advance a More Inclusive Organization)

Is unconscious bias tying-up (hindering, plaguing, separating) your team, leadership and organization?

Do you feel your organization and its leadership are way past due on having a healthy and honest open-minded discussion on the topics of unconscious bias and creating a more inclusive work environment?

Are you and your organization (to include upper leadership and managers across the company) looking to create real change after learning to understand Unconscious Bias as a fundamental social justice issue that gives birth to all kinds of -isms in our society, not just a concept that's nice-to-know?

If your answers are a resounding, Yes. Yes. Yes! Then continue reading and learning more about Ty Howard's Unconscious Bias training program and training experience...

A crucial step toward an inclusive work environment is developing an awareness and understanding of biases that can unconsciously influence how we work and interact with people. Unconscious bias (also referred to as implicit bias) affects how we feel about everything from gender, race, age, equality, class, ability, talent, preference, influences, experiences, background, weight, religion, education, and current events. Our brains have the capacity to receive about 11 million bits of information every second, yet we are only equipped to consciously process about 40 bits. So where does all of the unconsciously processed information go? This information becomes deeply embedded in the thoughts, feelings and beliefs we carry with us. These subconsciously absorbed bits of information are stored, and convert into deeply-rooted biases that inform every spur-of-the-moment judgment we make, whether good or bad, fair or inequitable, and whether we or others like it or not.

Corporate Trainer Motivational Keynote Speaker on Unconscious Bias Ty Howard Baltimore Maryland

Biases play out in the workplace through micro-messaging, micro-aggression and micro-inequities -- subtle behaviors that generally go unnoticed or are stone-faced tolerated -- and therefore result in the exact opposite of inclusion. People become marginalized, are not listened to or valued, and can miss out on opportunities to be heard and to advance their career. Ty Howard believes, "It's when all employees within an organization boldly and honestly identify, have healthy discussions, and work together to untie the knots® of unconscious bias—that's when the organization as a whole will advance to a fully equitable and inclusive organization."

Untie the Knots® of Unconscious Bias is an engaging, honest, informative, and participant involved (all in attendance) training session, delivered by Ty Howard in an upbeat and intentionally positive manner. As an experienced (veteran) facilitator on a broad spectrum of equity and inclusion topics, he will skillfully set the stage and tone for the creation of a safe and productive 'learning and growing' training environment, from beginning to end. Through awareness-building discussions and activities, his Untie the Knots® Unconscious Bias Assessment Tool, role-plays and unconscious bias case studies, Ty Howard will help you better understand bias and provide practical actionable strategies and recommendations that can help you and your colleagues avoid bias turbulence and costly organizational troubles (toxic workplace knots) going forward.

You and your group will walk away encouraged and empowered to leverage the power of a more positive, productive, happy and inclusive work environment.



10) Inclusive Leadership
         (Addressing Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions as a Team)

When unconscious bias and microaggressions erode the workplace, employees may feel undervalued, harassed, bullied, excluded, or unsupported. Teams will struggle to build trust, collaborate effectively, and the organization will experience a decrease in productivity, innovation, and employee morale. Over time, this negative culture can lead to high turnover rates, legal issues, and a damaged company brand and reputation.

Do not fret! There are practical and actionable strategies to improve and turn this type of toxic behavior and culture around so that every employee at every level feels valued, appreciated, respected, and supported. And, Guess what?! ALL employees can be leaders in this effort and matter, as creating a truly inclusive workplace is everyone's responsibility.

Ty Howard's training session, Inclusive Leadership: Addressing Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions as a Team, is engaging, insightful, candid, reflective, inspiring, uplifting, and empowering. He creates a lighthearted, open-minded, respectful, and safe learning environment where all participants eagerly learn how to identify and address unconscious bias and microaggressions in the workplace and how these actions and behaviors impact individuals and their teams. A few focal points in this session are learning to understand the concept of unconscious bias and its impact on the workplace, recognizing microaggressions and their harmful effects on individuals and teams, developing mindfulness skills to actively listen and communicate with one another respectfully, and practicing inclusive leadership skills and behaviors that promote equity, inclusion, acceptance, and belonging in the workplace.

Using insights, practical tools, individual and small group exercises, and real-life scenarios, Ty Howard will help each individual recognize and challenge their own biases and microaggressions. He will also discuss how to support colleagues who experience bias or microaggressions and create a culture of enhanced inclusivity and cultural competence where everyone can thrive.

By the end of this training session, your employees and teams will be fully committed to: Together, we can lead the way in building a thriving, extraordinary workplace that is truly equitable, inclusive, and welcoming for all. Together, we can cultivate an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and included. Be prepared to greet and say Hello! to your new All-Staff Inclusive Leadership Team!


For pricing or to arrange an onsite or offsite training session, e-mail info{AT}tyhoward.com or call us directly at 443.982.7582.

We are ready to team up with you—and make your next training day or retreat an Engaging, Effective, and Memorable Success!



Schedule A Call with Ty Howard Organizational Development Consultant Motivational Keynote Speaker Professional Development Trainer

with Ty Howard.   Click here


Corporate Trainer and Lead Facilitator on Equity Inclusion Training Ty Howard Maryland DC Virginia Baltimore


Ty Howard's Virtual Equity and Inclusion Lunch and Learn Series Programs Ty Howard from Baltimore Maryland

Below is a list of Ty Howard's Virtual Equity and Inclusion Lunch and Learn Series session titles and topics for your organization or team. Each engaging virtual Zoom session is presented 'live' by Ty Howard and within 40-60 minutes.

Session 1: Assuring Cultural Competence in the Workplace

Session 2: Having Tough and Sensitive Culturally Based Conversations at Work — The Right Way

Session 3: Assessing Your Organization for Social Justice and Inclusion

Session 4: The Effects of Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions in the Workplace

Session 5: Accepting, Promoting, and Valuing Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Session 6: Moving Beyond Traditional Workplace Accountability


Additional Potential Topics Offered:

- You may replace or change out any of the six Lunch and Learn sessions above with any of the additional virtual sessions listed below, should you feel it's a better topic and fit for your current workplace culture vision and employee group.

1) Bystander Intervention
2) Handling Emotions in the Workplace
3) Workplace Email, Text and Chat Etiquette
4) Better Connections and Communication in the Workplace
5) Fine-tuning Your Professional Savvy for Higher Empathy and Social-Emotional Intelligence
6) Together We Thrive: Enhancing Equity and Inclusion Across Our Teams
7) That's Not Funny! Or is it?


Email or call us today to inquire about and schedule Ty's Virtual Equity and Inclusion Lunch and Learn Series for your organization or team.



Schedule A Call with Ty Howard Organizational Development Consultant Motivational Keynote Speaker Professional Development Trainer

with Ty Howard.   Click here


Watch Videos of Ty Howard Speaking from Baltimore Maryland

Click Here to Learn: How We Work With A Client


Call to Hire Ty Howard, TODAY!
Business Office Phone: (443) 982-7582



Hire a Equity and Inclusion Coach for Your Company Ty Howard Organizational Development Consultant Coach Baltimore Maryland



Hire an Effective Proven Equity Inclusion Acceptance and Belonging Consultant for Your Company Ty Howard Organizational Development Consultant Coach Baltimore Maryland



For pricing or to arrange an onsite or offsite training session, e-mail info{AT}tyhoward.com or call us directly at 443.982.7582.

We are ready to team up with you—and make your next training day or retreat an AWESOME Memorable Success!


Ty Howard and InspiraGen Institute provide comfortable and respectful (safe and inclusive) consulting and training services on equity, inclusion, acceptance, belonging, and cultural sensitivity nationwide and globally, in-person and virtual. Our team of experienced consultants and trainers work closely with C-level executives, directors, and managers to identify areas for improvement and design customized, actionable solutions that meet their unique needs. Ty Howard's Equity, Inclusion, Acceptance, and Belonging Training Solutions. Baltimore, Maryland, Baltimore County, Maryland, DC, District of Columbia, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, North Carolina, Ohio, Maryland.



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    Email: info@tyhoward.com
    Office: 443-982-7582

    About Ty Howard

    Learn more about Mr. Untie the Knots®.  Click Here

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