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Coach Ty's

  Business Success and Business
            Resuscitation Coaching

Ty Howard's Business Success Coaching and Business Resuscitation Coaching Baltimore Maryland Virginia DC


For business owners ready to address and Untie the Knots® of a business with stagnate, uncertain, hemorrhaging, or dismal business performance and results — and step into their full potential.


Are You Ready to STOP Grudgingly Pressing Through Your Days stressing and worrying about bottom line profits, customers, employee actions, sales, leadership challenges, workplace morale, and the stagnate or dismal performance of your team and company?


Take Back CONTROL:
Resuscitate Your Mindset, Performance, Team Success, Consistent Cash Flow, and Results — and Transform Your Business So You Can Enjoy Growing a Strong Business Efficiently and Profitably.


A Message from Ty Howard, Founding Principal and Chief Strategist of InspiraGen Institute, referred to often in the business world as America's Untie the Knots® Business Consultant and Coach.




Dear Business Owner, Ty Howard, Business Success and Business Resuscitation Coach

Are you yearning to have more customers, cash flow, team success, organization, less struggle and worry, and more confidence in your business growth AND performance?


Does it often feel like there's not enough time in the day, week, month or quarter to get your business to operate at the consistent level you want and need for desired growth and happiness, despite your heroic strategies and efforts to adjust and fix things? If so, you are definitely not alone.

Do any of these describe you?

  • Your stagnate growth is holding you back in your business success and finances; inside you know you and your business are meant for bigger and better results.
  • You’ve been dealing with constant struggles and challenges that no one has been able to figure out, and you’re close to giving up (still there is a glimmer of faith that the right answers and person is out there to hear and help you to bounce up... you just have not found it or figured out how to follow through, yet).
  • You have periodic “good days” when your business flows and feels close to being in sync (and you want more of the clarity, success, and inexpressible joy that shows up on those rare occasions).

Other business success and development programs do not really care whether you win or quit, but I do. My team and I will wrap our arms around you and give you the attention, accountability, strategic business advice, updated business scaling success education, reliable business transformation relationship, and support you need.

My Business Success Coaching Programs are conducted Face-to-Face, virtually (Zoom, Webex, MS Teams, Skype), or by telephone across the United States or globally with individuals who speak fluent English.


Book A Call with Business Success and Resuscitation Coach Ty Howard

with Ty.   Click here

No canned pitch. No harsh sell. Just good substantive conversation and a new connection.


Call my business office today to inquire about my Business Success or Business Resuscitation Coaching Packages, rates, and availability at (443) 982-7582.


Wherever You Are Right Now,
Whatever You’re Doing…


Business Success Coach Ty Howard

Close your eyes and allow your thoughts to break free from your reality of “what is,” and escape into the possibilities of “what could be.”

Are you happier there? Winning in life and business? Healthier? Spending more time with family and friends? More active and successful outside of business? Proud of your achievements?

Take THIS moment to reflect on the Dream YOU have envisioned for yourself, your business, your family, and your legacy. You HAVE a consistently thriving business with great potential, performance, and possibilities. You are the successful person who CAN achieve and HAVE all that you see and enjoy in your vision.

That person and business inside of you can come alive and become 'a reality' with a little help and knowledgeable support.

You may not know how, just yet — especially if your business is unpredictable and your energy is low. Any number of business and personal issues may be affecting you right now — keeping you from the success within, and you from performing and living at your true potential.

Business Challenges Tend to Hit You Where it REALLY Hurts, Like:

  • Not having enough customers and constantly struggling with profits and cash flow.
  • Having too many customers and not being able to keep up with their requests, needs or demands.
  • Financial concerns due to being stuck in continuous unpredictable business challenges.
  • Working too many hours, and failing to effectively lead your team, build a winning company culture, delegate work, manage time, get organized, increase sales, grow and nurture important relationships, and get from under your many 'To Do Lists' - (you're drowning in lists and unproductive distractions).
  • Worry and fear about your ability to stay in business, support and enjoy your family or be there for those you love.
  • Living with chronic fatigue, aches or a silent illness and worries that prevent you from taking proper care of yourself, being happy, and staying passionate and motivated to operate the business you say you love.

You Can End the Struggle, Exhaustion, Frustration, and Worry


Help for Unmotivated Business Owner from Business Success Coach Ty Howard

Many of your business issues stem from missteps or oversights in leadership, vision, strategic planning, team building, marketing strategies, sales strategies, time management, communication, listening, and sustaining a winning mindset. There are a lot of responsibilities that need to be consistently and effectively executed on a daily basis when you aim to be a consistently successful business owner; it’s no wonder many business owners go to bed each night worried, stressed, and unmotivated.

My Business Success and Business Resuscitation Coaching programs have worked effectively with business owners in the State of Maryland and nationwide. I help businesses to gain more success with less stress through the implementation of strategies that enable them and their employees to be more productive, effective, successful, profitable, and consistently results-driven.

My Business Success and Resuscitation Coaching programs can improve the financial wealth of your business by helping you to:

• Create a high performing team that will help to grow your business for you.

• Implement and simplify key marketing and sales strategies to quickly generate cash flow.

• Strengthen profits and cash flow without increasing revenues.

Are you a business owner who is:

• Working on a million business ideas and find yourself over-stretched by trying to do them all.
• Busy putting out fires caused by employees and need knowledgeable help on how to better manage them.
• Hesitant to trust certain employees with your clients.
• Feeling like you are paying a high salaries for little effort and results return.
• Frustrated by employees who don’t follow instructions.
• Reluctant to fire low performers because you think their replacement may be worse.

I, Coach Ty, will help, coach, and mentor you to the sustainable results you need in business through my online UTK Business Coaching Programs for both struggling and successful businesses!



Business coaching is the practice of hiring a proven and knowledgeable person, or team, to come into your organization and help you work through your challenges and struggles toward consistently achieving your goals. You meet with your business coach and define what objectives and strategies your company needs to work toward to reach your full potential. You then create an action plan that you and your business coach execute - together - to achieve your objectives and set goals. Once your business coach thinks you have things under control, the business coaching relationship agreement may end at the end of its term or you can choose to continue utilizing their coaching services and support as well as bring them in for business results training services with your team.

As a business expert with over 30 years in the field, I (Coach Ty) will transfer knowledge and expertise so that you can elevate your successes, learn from mistakes, and maintain your focus on getting results quickly. Through every step along the way, I provide unwavering support for you throughout our agreed upon business coaching and accountability relationship.

Call my business office today to inquire about my Business Success or Business Resuscitation Coaching Packages, rates, and availability at (443) 982-7582.

For a Business That's Already on the Path of Growing and Succeeding


Business Success Coach Ty Howard


If Your Business is Already on the Right Path in Business Growth and Success, I Can Help and Support You and Your Business in the following ways:

• Teach you how to double your effectiveness while reducing your efforts.
• Teach you ethical strategies to accelerate the performance of your company, team and workplace culture.
• Guide you on how to make prospects and clients love your company more.
• Help you to grow your winning mindset, mental toughness, proper self-care, happiness, and leadership influence.


For a Business in Urgent Need of Resuscitation

Business Resuscitation Coach Ty Howard


If Your Business is in a State and Need of Business Resuscitation, Coach Ty Can Help and Support You and Your Business in the following ways:

• Implement my framework and employee peak performance acceleration strategies for predictable business success and growth
• Teach you my effective business optimization and marketing strategies that get results sooner rather than later
• Teach you how to achieve five times more sales for the same effort
• Show you how to FOCUS so you can effectively minimize your distractions and think more powerfully
• Help you to grow a winning mindset, mental toughness, proper self-care, happiness, and improve your leadership influence.


Once You Understand How You’ve Arrived at
Where You Currently Are in Your Business, You CAN Choose a New Path.

All You Need is the Right Support.

Business Success and Resuscitation Coach Ty Howard


Ultimate Freedom Will Come From You Boldly Identifying and Untying the Knots of Your Hindering Business Growth Challenges with the Help and Support from Your Business Success Coach, Ty Howard. You Can Pinpoint and Solve the Real Problems That Hold You and Your Business Back — and Achieve More Than You Ever Thought Possible.


Business Success and Resuscitation Coach Ty Howard


Let's face it, what you want, what we all want when it comes to owning and operating a business, is to feel good about growing a consistently successful business while creating and spending more time doing the things we love (to include, enjoying the people we love).


Together, YOU and I Can Make 2025 Your Best Business Growth, Success and Earnings Year Ever!


Ready For A Conversation? Me Too!


Book Your Free Consultation with Business Success and Resuscitation Coach Ty Howard

No canned pitch. No harsh sell. Just good substantive conversation and a new connection.


My Business Success and Business Resuscitation - Coaching Process
typically requires a minimum
6-month commitment to make the relationship work.

Call my business office today to inquire about my Business Success or Business Resuscitation Coaching Packages, rates, and availability at (443) 982-7582.

Location and Frequency

Coaching is conducted in your office or at a location convenient to you. Zoom, Webex, MS Meetings, Skype, or phone coaching sessions have been used successfully for clients across the United States and around the globe during the pandemic. Ty will meet frequently enough to keep your goals and priorities 'top of mind' while still having 'active learning' time between sessions for you to work on your goals and developmental assignments. Ty Howard will discuss your needs and a customized personal improvement action plan will be created to fit your unique goals and improvement needs. The winning-edge you gain by having Ty as your high-impact and reliable coach is that your coaching relationship will be completely customized and targeted to your specific needs, from the beginning to end of your coaching program agreement.

Is Coaching Confidential?

Confidentiality is vital to effective coaching and non-negotiable. Having worked in the Office of the Naval Inspector General (a 3 Star Admiral) while serving in the United States Navy and as a human resources generalist and office manager in corporate America, Ty follows and adheres to a strict code of ethics.

In this coaching relationship, I, Ty Howard, will call you, write to you, and even push you if I must, to help you achieve the specific business and personal success goals you have agreed upon. The program is ongoing for six, nine, or twelve months. You will be in contact weekly. Or, at least, I will contact you weekly! You may start at any time, on a day and date you choose. You will never have to doubt my commitment to you, I always bring my full commitment, success strategies, tools, and passion to each client I accept into my intensive Untie the Knots® Business Success or Business Resuscitation - Coaching Program. There are no "breaks" or "freezes" once we get started working together. There are also no refunds of any payments in this engagement, for any reason, unless I cancel your participation because I feel you do not want to be helped or you're not 100% committed to your co-created coaching agreement, in which case, I will then provide you with a prorated refund.

Your Next Steps... to call or write Ty Howard at his business office on Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM Eastern Time at (443) 982-7582 to ask questions or have a discussion on your participation in his intensive Untie the Knots® Business Success or Business Resuscitation - Coaching Program.


If you're ready to elevate your business' performance, get in touch, let's explore your highest possible potential. In partnership. TODAY.


Book Your Free Consultation with Business Success and Resuscitation Coach Ty Howard

Book your FREE consultation by clicking here.


I look forward to welcoming you, getting to know you, and watching you and your business success transform to new levels!

Best Wishes and Joy Going Forward,
Ty Howard,
American's Untie the Knots® Business Success and Business Resuscitation Coach

Do not pass up this business success-guided opportunity to FINALLY get your business success to grow 'consistently' strong efficiently and profitably.

Click Here to go back to the Coaching Home Page  Ty’s Coaching Services

Have a question? Contact Coach Ty Howard at  Contact Us.   Business Office Phone: (443) 982-7582



About Ty: Ty Howard is America's Untie the Knots® Consultant and Coach. He is a proven personal and professional 'success habits' and organizational development consultant, who is also a dynamic motivational and business speaker. Howard has worked with and brought forth lasting positive results inside corporations, government agencies, healthcare organizations, associations, educational organizations, manufacturing companies, pharmaceutical companies, insurance agencies, energy companies, large sales teams, and real estate agencies; including Fortune 500 companies with $100 billion in assets. If you own or control a profit oriented business that could use a consistent boost in performance, growth and results, talk with Ty Howard. Mr. Howard knows how to come in, get and hold you and your team accountable, so the two of you - together - can improve focus, efficiency, sales, cash flow, and leadership development for nearly any type of owner operated business.


Medical Disclaimer: The information provided and shared in Ty Howard's coaching programs is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Ty Howard, tyhoward.com, and the experts who contribute on his team. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.



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    Call or email Ty's business office and your questions, comments and/or requests will be reviewed by a team member, then forwarded to Ty.

    Email: info@tyhoward.com
    Office: 443-982-7582

    About Ty Howard

    Learn more about Mr. Untie the Knots®.  Click Here

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